Program Contract
Program Contract - A STEADY SPACE, LLC
Participation in this program is a mutual endeavor in which the facilitator contributes knowledge and skill in life management, effective communication, conflict resolution and mediation and to which, you, the participant, bring specialized personal knowledge and a commitment to work on your own challenges. The goals of our work together include but are not limited to increasing communication and stress management skills with exploration and practice of emotional intelligence. General goals include promoting a greater self-awareness of feelings, motivations, behavior and interactions with other persons in your life. This awareness and understanding will hopefully promote clarification of personal goals, values and priorities and, thus, enable you to cope with life’s tasks in a more directed and fulfilling manner. The results of participating in this program are not guaranteed. Your participation may lead to results that were not originally intended.
The facilitator may provide feedback to you in order to generate insight and provide new skills. At times, this may involve confrontation of certain beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors as a device that will allow for risking new behaviors beyond the present level of function.
Many factors may influence the effectiveness of the programs, and your facilitator will continually monitor your progress and make adjustments as necessary. You can improve the effectiveness of your participation by attending sessions regularly. It is also possible that you and/or you family members may experience changes as a result of your involvement; these changes may be undesirable or uncomfortable. Change can be uncomfortable in and of itself, and may upset a given family system or equilibrium. Any concerns in this regard should be discussed with your facilitator.
By signing this agreement, you agree to register for programming with A STEADY SPACE, LLC. You understand the fees are due upon booking unless a payment plan has been arranged.
If you are late, you may lose some of that time or you may not be able to attend that session time. Please plan to join approximately 5-10 minutes before your session start time.
In order to ensure the best care and safety of program participants, A Steady Space, LLC ensures your information is never shared unless you authorize the release in writing or we are legally obligated to report. The meeting content and all relevant materials to your program participation will be strictly held confidential unless you request in writing to have all or portions of such content released to specifically named person/persons. Limitations of the privilege of confidentiality exist and are itemized below:
If a participant threatens or attempts to commit suicide or otherwise conducts him/herself in a manner in which there is a substantial risk of incurring serious bodily harm.
If a participant threatens grave bodily harm or death to another person.
If the facilitator has a reasonable suspicion that a participant or other named victim is the perpetrator, observer of, or actual victim of physical, emotional or sexual abuse of children under the age of 18 years.
If the facilitator has a reasonable suspicion that an elderly or dependent adult has been abused (including physical, sexual, financial abuse, or by neglect or isolation).
Suspected neglect of the parties named in items #3 and # 4.
If a court of law issues a legitimate subpoena for information stated on the subpoena.
If participation is by order of a court of law, or if information is obtained for the purpose of rendering an expert’s report to an attorney.
If a participant involves a facilitator in a conspiracy to commit a crime or a conspiracy to avoid detection from prosecution.
Please be aware that the Facilitator-Client relationship is not considered a legally confidential relationship (like the medical and legal professions) and thus communications are not subject to the protection of any legally recognized privilege. The Facilitator agrees not to disclose any information pertaining to the Client without the Client’s written consent.
I declare that I am enrolling in sessions voluntarily, and not as a result of any attorney recommendation, probation recommendation, DSFS requirement, or court order. I understand these services are not therapy and I should not expect results similar to those from a licensed mental health provider. I understand that my volunteer status means that there is to be no expectation on my part to receive a written report from A Steady Space, LLC staff reflective of my attendance or progress. As a result, I will NOT be provided a written report from A Steady Space, LLC staff.
I have been given the opportunity to have any and all questions answered relevant to my participation in programming offered by A Steady Space, LLC. I understand this is an educational program, and not a form of psychotherapy or counseling.
I acknowledge A Steady Space, LLC has no responsibility to enforce any court rulings or my attendance. I understand it is my responsibility to attend sessions and to complete the program in the amount of time allocated by the courts (if applicable).
I understand my facilitator may consult with other professionals in the field in order to plan and prepare for the sessions, as well as to meet the specific needs of each participant. I have been advised regarding the limits of maintaining privacy and confidentiality.
Due to the importance of your confidentiality and the importance of minimizing dual relationships, I do not accept friend or contact requests from current or former clients on any social networking site (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc). I believe adding clients as friends or contacts on these sites can compromise your confidentiality and our respective privacy. It may also blur the boundaries of our professional relationship. If you have questions about this, please ask when we meet so we can discuss this further.
If you are working with me as part of a couple, family, organization or any scenario other than individual, one member of your party is able to make changes to payment, times, consents and anything else required to continue services for the other party.
If you are a minor, your parents may be legally entitled to some information about your treatment. I will discuss with you and your parents what information is appropriate for them to receive and which issues are more appropriately kept confidential.
By agreeing of sound mind and body to work with Davina Hehn, Communication & Anger Management Specialist, you hereby agree and consent to the following legal terms and conditions that govern her work with you.
Payment for services is due in advance. Payment plans are made available as a courtesy per auto-debit through Stripe and Davina Hehn. Davina Hehn is not required or legally obligated to offer payment plans for services. Payment on all invoices issued by A Steady Space, LLC / Davina Hehn are due before midnight (EDT) on the date issued. Clients are made aware of payment plan schedules in advance. If client agrees to an auto debit withdraw payment, funds removed from client’s account per the payment plan/subscription plan schedule are the full responsibility of the client. Insufficient funds in the account are the full legal responsibility of the client/account holder and their designated bank. Davina Hehn is not responsible for insufficient funds, fees or late charges from your designated bank. Insufficient funds resulting in non-payment to A Steady Space, LLC / Davina Hehn are the full legal responsibility of the client and must be rendered immediately. Late payments or nonpayments not rendered immediately will result in termination of services and future services and recovery of payment through collections and legal action. Late (manual/invoice) payments made per a scheduled payment plan will result in a $50 late fee charge per day the payment is late or discontinuation of services if not rendered immediately with no refund. Nonpayment for services rendered is a breach of contract and is sent to collections with legal recourse.
You hereby agree to pay for your session through the selected payment method on the website and by doing so you agree to Stripe/PaperBell’s terms and conditions. Failure to pay for services rendered will result in discontinuation of any sessions remaining and legal action. If sessions/package are discontinued and/or you are removed from a group environment, remaining payments on payment plans are still due per the scheduled payments you agreed to upon purchase. Refunds are not available if your sessions have been discontinued and/or you were removed from a program or group environment.
Davina Hehn is not legally responsible for lost or stolen information during the payment process. You are agreeing that all legal disputes will be handled directly through Stripe/CMS and its services.
Davina Hehn reserves the right to discontinue sessions and/or services if client is deemed resistant, inappropriate, hostile or reckless with no refund. Davina Hehn reserves the right to decide what is considered inappropriate, hostile, reckless, resistant, disrespectful or irresponsible in her coaching environment and business. Davina Hehn reserves the right to remove client(s) from individual and/or group packages if client is not participating per their “Individual Responsibilities” and/or is continuously late to sessions, disrespectful and irresponsible with the coaching environment and coaches’ time, value and wisdom with no refund. Davina Hehn has the right to suspend or terminate you as her client and refuse any and all future work together without refund.
No refunds are available for services rendered or partial services rendered. Refunds are made in full if no sessions have begun between Davina Hehn and client only if requested within 7 days of purchase date. No refunds are available for partial services rendered. No refunds are available if requested after 7 days of purchase date. A session constitutes a scheduled meeting agreed upon between both parties via Zoom, GoogleMeet, Phone, or an in-person meeting. Session cancellations must be done with 24 hours notice prior to the scheduled time agreed upon between you and Davina Hehn with written request of refund in order to receive full refund. A client no-show to a scheduled session still counts as a session and thus no refund is available. Clients are responsible for cancelling or rescheduling sessions within the designated time-frame noted above using the scheduling system they have access to or by contacting Davina directly.
Just as sessions are booked individually and interpersonally, scheduled group sessions are reserved specifically for those registered. There are no makeup sessions for groups and no exceptions. Group sessions missed are forfeited.
Davina Hehn does not provide any professional financial, legal or medical services or advice. You understand and agree that Davina Hehn is not a medical professional or a lawyer. You understand that Davina Hehn’s guidance, coaching and mentorship is not a replacement for seeking mental health/medical/legal/financial assistance. Medical problems or concerns must be taken to your chosen medical professional. Legal problems or concerns must be taken to your chosen legal representative. You are agreeing in working with Davina Hehn that you are personally responsible for your own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results. Davina Hehn disclaims any liability for your personal choices made from any opinions or advice contained in any coaching sessions, mentor sessions, email, phone, and other communications. Davina Hehn cannot guarantee your individual, relationship and/or legal problems will be resolved, fixed or healed upon working together.
Davina Hehn has many satisfied clients but similar results are not guaranteed and vary per client. Results are not promised as they depend on many factors including the client’s willingness, openness, honesty, transparency and eagerness to improve their life and relationships. Resistance from a client will not result in desired results. Any resistance Davina Hehn encounters will result in your dismissal as a client with no refund available. Resistance constitutes dishonesty, lack of transparency, lying, unwillingness to share, communicate and accept the support and guidance being offered, omission, negligence, fraudulent misrepresentation or otherwise. Davina Hehn reserves the right to determine what is resistant in her coaching environment and business. Davina Hehn has the right to suspend or terminate you as her client and refuse any and all future work together without refund.
Davina Hehn is not responsible for your free will life choices pertaining but not limited to your work schedule, finances, childcare, sleeping habits, legal, mental health, health and medical conditions. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Davina Hehn from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees by your refusal to abide by these guidelines, rules, regulations and restrictions. Davina Hehn is not legally responsible for your refusal to seek a medical or legal professional for your needs.
Clients are responsible for scheduling their prepaid sessions with Davina Hehn. Once purchased and provided a schedule, it is the sole responsibility of the client to schedule the amount of sessions they purchased in a package within the designated time-frame for that package. Packages that contain sessions must start being scheduled within (2) weeks of the purchase date to meet the scheduling limits structured into that package.
Single sessions are to be booked within (1) month of purchase. Packages containing 6 or less are to be booked within (45-60) days of purchase. Packaged sessions of 9 or less are to be booked within (90) days of purchase. Packaged sessions of 12 or less are to be booked within (120) days of purchase. Packages containing (12+) sessions will be discussed at purchase. Sessions will expire that extend longer than the designated time-frames above. No refund is available on partial expired sessions or packages. See the section labeled “REFUNDS” for more information.
If cancellations are made, it is the client’s responsibility to reschedule.
Davina Hehn reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule sessions. Davina Hehn will notify you if a session needs to be cancelled and/or rescheduled. Session cancellations and/or reschedules made by clients require notification to Davina Hehn given 24 hours in advance or the session will be lost.
Davina Hehn reserves the right to discontinue sessions and/or services if client is deemed resistant, inappropriate, hostile or reckless with no refund. Davina Hehn reserves the right to decide what is resistant, inappropriate, hostile, reckless, disrespectful or irresponsible behavior in her coaching environment, interactions and business. Davina Hehn reserves the right to remove client(s) from individual and/or group packages if client is not participating per their “Individual Responsibilities” and/or is continuously late to sessions, disrespectful and irresponsible with the coaching environment and coaches’ time, value and wisdom with no refund. Davina Hehn reserves the right to remove client(s) upon failure to make payments. Davina Hehn reserves the right to recover insufficient funds through collections and/or legal action. Davina Hehn reserves the right to cancel scheduled calls/sessions if client(s) do not arrive within 10 minutes of the scheduled call time.
Ending relationships can be difficult. Therefore, it is important to have a termination process in order to achieve some closure. The appropriate length of the termination depends on the length and intensity of our work together. I may terminate participation if I determine the content is not being effectively used or if you are in default on payment. I will not terminate the working relationship without first discussing and exploring the reasons and purpose of terminating. Should you fail to schedule an appointment for four consecutive weeks, unless other arrangements have been made in advance, for legal and ethical reasons, I must consider the professional relationship discontinued and no refund will be provided.
All sessions are private and confidential. All clients agree to a confidentiality agreement upon working with Davina Hehn. Client obtains the right to share session information with third parties and agrees to not hold Davina Hehn legally responsible for information they shared about themselves or their progress or personal choices made. Clients in group coaching programs are obligated under law to uphold to the privacy agreement they receive upon purchase. Sharing information about fellow group members, coach or clients will result in immediately dismissal of the program and services with no refund and legal action. All email communications, text communications, messenger communications and phone/Zoom/GoogleMeet communications are private and confidential.
You hereby agree that Davina Hehn is not responsible for your well-being. You are solely responsible for your personal choices pertaining to your life, finances, medical, legal, relationships, career and any and all responsibilities as a legal citizen of the United States of America or a citizen of the country you reside in. You give up your right to hold Davina Hehn responsible for any misfortunes, breakups, occurrences, deaths, situations, scandals, layoffs, unemployment, medical problems or legal issues. You agree in entering into agreement to work with Davina Hehn you are doing so with the knowledge that her occupation is to guide, assist, support and coach. All final decisions on your life are the sole responsibility of you. You agree to hold Davina Hehn harmless of any disappointments, frustrations, and shortcomings past, present or future that pertains to your life.
By scheduling an appointment with Davina Hehn, you understand and agree that Davina Hehn is not a mental health therapist, medical professional, attorney, accountant or other medical/legal licensed professional, and can not give therapy, medical, legal, or tax advice. Any information or advice given by Davina Hehn is not to be used by you in place of any therapy, medical, legal, tax or financial advice or diagnosis from qualified and licensed professionals in those fields. Sessions with Davina Hehn are intended to offer insight, support and guidance into yourself and life under her qualifications and do not in any way constitute therapy, medical, legal, tax or financial advice. Davina Hehn will not be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of this website or as a result of any guidance or appointment with Davina Hehn, or any persons or events related thereto, and/or any actions or decisions that you may make as a result, including without limitation, actual, incidental and/or consequential damages resulting from any claims resulting from any act or omission, negligence, fraudulent misrepresentation or otherwise, including without limitation, personal injury, death, loss of income, stress (emotional or otherwise), errors or omissions, or otherwise.